The Container
Transfer System
SGL has developed a full scale patented multimodal transportation solution.
A solution for fast and cost-effective transfer of standard ISO freight containers and or swap bodies between the two modes: rail and road.
CTS is the key enabling element of the entire SAFE-CTS transportation concept - the rapid concept - which entails a complete utilization and use of the european (global) railway infrastructure.
CTS is a key to unlock current and future infrastructural limitations while combining passengers and cargo freight for optimal utilization of known freight corridors.
Watch the videoThe eminent need for a global transportation shift - meeting green paper targets
By moving more cargo from primarily road-based transport to rail, using the CTS technology in an intercontinental multimodal transportation concept between rail and road, EU green paper targets of a 60% cut in transportation emissions can be met.
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Safe Green Logistics A/S
Technology & Concept
The mission is to optimize transport and logistics efficiency in Europe and (globally), by fully integrating and implementing the Container Transfer System (CTS) Technology & Concept, in a rapid concept, combining passenger & cargo freight.
The CTS Technology and Concept is based on a full-scale multimodal freight concept - a competitive and sustainable alternative to conventional single carrier freight. Pulling on the strengths of both rail and road freight while combining passengers and cargo freight.
The concept (Rapid) is the people in our; for people and products, as the concept combines passengers and cargo freight in a full-scale Rapid transportation set-up.
The Vision is to deliver a clean & green transportation of both people and products globally.
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